There is no better engagement strategy than a blog that really appeals to your target audience, today, we tell you valuable tips to create a blog that will knock it out of the ballpark, take a look!
On the other hand, a blog plays a very important role in marketing strategies, today, we give you some tips to make it really effective!
Generally, throughout the day we receive a lot of information, much more than we can digest! Technologically speaking, think about how many emails you have received, and how many you have read?
The email furor must be well taken advantage of, especially in those who consider checking their email every day; brands must know how to take advantage of these opportunities and be part of these routines, to achieve this, they must make 100% effective blogs!
Now, it should be noted that a blog is a kind of periodic mailing that is responsible for disseminating the news of the brand, these can be new content on the blog, launch of new products or commercial offers and discounts.
As you can see, its content is quite varied, but there is a plus that you should not forget, and is that it has been the user who has requested to receive them through a registration form or a database, therefore, you know that the customer will read your newsletter, however, you must make it much more effective to generate loyalty.
One factor that you must be clear about is the objectives that a newsletter must fulfill, which are to disseminate the brand’s content, convert subscribers into potential leads and finally, to build customer loyalty through useful and creative content, which is how to significantly improve engagement with the brand.
Here are the tips we have for you to learn how to make a completely effective blog:
- The first thing we have to take into account is the subject and the sender, you must get your subscribers to open the mail, make sure you create a subject line that catches the attention of users and generate some curiosity to open the mail; we recommend using different lines in each mail, make them short with approximately 50 characters and create consistent lines over time, this is how the user will recognize your mails and you will be part of their top of mind.
- Let’s move on to the contents that your newsletter should have, your subscribers expect to receive information of their interest, they left you their data for a reason, so don’t disappoint them! What you can do best is to share the latest published content, this is a very effective accelerator when it comes to capturing visits and shares in networks; make sure to put the most important content in first place and capture the attention of users, you must take into account that the vast majority of users will be able to preview your email before even deciding whether to open or ignore it.
- Talking about the design, this is a key decision within the strategy, when creating your email, you must take into account that the design can be done in three ways, with plain text, with HTML text and rich HTML; it should be noted that users say they prefer emails with HTML design where the image predominates over the text.
An important point to take into account is also the frequency with which you send emails, do not send them if you have nothing new to share! Depending on the content, make sure you send a daily, weekly or monthly newsletter, but be careful not to become Spam!