Design and corporate image

The corporate image of your company will be the communication that will form a perception of your brand among the public. As a brand you should have a set of objectives, goals and desires of how you want people to see you, how you want them to perceive your product or service. This can be achieved through the corporate image, a series of linguistic resources that will represent the personality of your brand. In other words, it is to materialize the intangible that represents your brand.

This is achieved through elements such as name, logo, colors, icons, slogan, characters, media, etc. A series of communicational resources that will synthesize what your brand is and how you want to be seen. It is very important to be congruent in the relationship between these elements and what your brand is, for example if your brand offers fast food, it will not be given an image approach similar to that of a car brand. You should look for the elements that best represent the philosophy of your brand.

After having established an effective corporate image, you can continue with the creation of printed stationery that is directly linked to the established elements, web media and advertising campaigns. This image must always be respected, since it depends on it that people see it as a serious brand, which has its own language and is consistent with what it communicates.

With this tool you will be able to:

  • Put your brand at the top.
  • Effective corporate image.
  • Effective communication language.
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