This new social initiative by Hyundai Motor España aims to reward people who manage to improve the lives of others through small gestures.
The action is part of the New i10 campaign, which is accompanied by the slogan “From a small gesture, something big can be born. As big as you want to be”.
The story of the rider Raúl Pinteño is the starting point of this action to give visibility to other unknown stories. To do this, Hyundai has set up a site that collects the initiatives of anonymous people who are helping to make the world a better place.
Best of all, anyone who wants to share their initiative can register until March 31 on the Hyundai website. From April 1, all the projects will be visible and a voting process will be initiated by users. The three most voted will go to the final in which a Hyundai jury will choose the story that is helping society and will donate € 5,000 to ensure the achievement of the project.
On the other hand, as for the campaign strategy, the brand invites to reflect on the impact that small details can have through the story of Raúl Piteño. The Hyundai promoter states that they want to “give options to diversity, break the ‘circle of invisibility’ and promote in them the feeling of ‘capacity’ and ‘usefulness'”.
Hyundai has relied on Innocean Worldwide Spain, its advertising agency, and Havas Media as communications agency for the launch of the campaign for the new i10.
The Korean brand seeks to highlight features of the New i10 as an “accessible and affordable” car, which has inspired an international campaign with an emotional tone. The main video for the European launch stars German actress Loretta Stern and tells the story of how she helps children with cerebral palsy to express themselves through dance.
Take a look at the video at the following Link >> https://youtu.be/oIiE_vMTTCQ